EATON 10250T452 Pushbutton Joystick Operator Two-Position Momentary Up and Down Without overcurrent latch, 10250T/E34 series, 30.5 mm Heavy-Duty, NEMA 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 12, 13, Operator Only, AC Applications OnlyMomentary Mode: 4NC contact blocks max., 3NO contact blocks max.
• Eaton’s 30.5mm pushbuttons are versatile, durable, rugged, & stand the test of time in even the most hostile environments.
• The range includes momentary, illuminated & mushroom head pushbuttons, selector switches, indicating lights & push-pull units.
• The T Series Chrome 30.5 mm pushbutton line features a zinc die cast construction with chrome-plated housing & mounting nut. The same durable construction is also available with the corrosive resistant E34 line of pushbuttons
• These operators are field convertible from momentary to maintained operation or vice versa.
• The use of NC contacts is preferred because they provide positive drive contact opening and a direct relationship between lever movement and affected terminal, i.e., up movement affects the top terminals.
• Joystick operators are not recommended on certain DC applications above 24 Vdc which may involve lightly engaging the contacts (teasing) to achieve speed control, positioning, jogging, etc. Excessive arcing and deterioration of the contacts will occur.